By-laws Book

This section includes the by-laws adopted by the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Morin-Heights, as well as those that are in the process of being amended, adopted or under study.

We invite you to use one or more precise keywords to have the most exact search result possible. Example: "drinking water", "construction", "snow removal" and not "by-law".


By-laws in Effect


Additional Financial Assistance to the Accès-Logis Québec Program

By-law 579-2019

Agreements for municipal works and services (French only)

By-law 753-2024

Animal Control (French only)

By-law 615-2021

Circulation, stationnement, paix et bon ordre (French only)

Règlement SQ-2023

Citation de la chapelle Hillside au patrimoine culturel local (French only)

Règlement 747-2023

Cleanliness, Maintenance and Building Occupancy

By-law 632-2022

Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (French only)

Règlement 756-2024


By-law 644-2022

Contract Management (French only)

By-law 571-2019

Demolition of Immovables

By-law 634-2022

Drinking Water

By-law 649-2022

Entente portant sur l’établissement d’une cour municipale commune (French only)

Règlement 153-1992

Environment Advisory Committee

By-law 567-2019

Establishing of a First Responders Service Within the Municipality of Morin-Heights Fire Safety Department

By-law 380-2004

Establishing of the Municipality of Morin-Heights Fire Safety Department

By-law 379-2004

Ethics and Good Conduct of Elected Representatives

By-law 628-2021

Ethics and good conduct of municipal employees

By-law 746-2023

Exercise of the right of first refusal on an immovable in the territory

By-law 640-2022

Financial Administration (French only)

By-law 577-2019

Financial Reserve for Waste Management

By-law 593-2020

Financial Reserves for the Management and Maintenance of the Lac Peter Dam

By-law 621-2021

Financing of the upgrading of the Beaulieu drinking water distribution network (loan)

By-law 639-2022

Fire Prevention (French only)

By-law 531-2015

Gestion des cours d’eau dans la MRC (French only)

Règlement MRC 259-2912

Imposition of a tax to fund 9-1-1 emergency centers

By-law 748-2023

Instauration du programme Rénovation Québec visant la bonification d’un projet AccèsLogis Québec

Règlement 598-2020

Local heritage council

By-law 622-2021

Material Prejudice

By-law 504-2013

Matières résiduelles, leur collecte et disposition (French only)

Règlement 389-2019 - MRC

Minor exemptions

By-law 646-2022

Municipality’s Bilingual Character

By-law 623-2021

Nuisances (French only)

Règlement 583-2019

Occupation of municipal buildings (French only)

By-law 532-2015

Permits and certificates

By-law 645-2022

Pesticides and Fertilizers

By-law 657-2023

Quarries and Sandpits

By-law 458-2008

Real Estate Transfers

By-law 659-2023

Recognition of the Trinity Anglican church and its cemetery as a local cultural heritage

By-law 752-2024

Recognition of the United Church of Canada in Morin-Heights as a local cultural heritage (French only)

By-law 654-2022

Remuneration of elected municipal officers

By-law 560-2018

Rules Governing Council Sittings

By-law 564-2018

Sécurité des piscines résidentielles (French only)

Règlement provincial

Septic tanks and the retention of private wastewater treatment systems (French only)

By-law 616-2021

Site planning and Architectural integration programs

By-law 647-2022

Snow Removal

By-law 569-2019

Specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposals for an immovable

By-law 648-2022


By-law 643-2022

Taxes, Tariffs, Service and Compensation Fees for the 2025 Financial Year (French only)

By-law 766-2024

Terms of Publishing Public Notices

By-law 619-2021

Truck and Heavy Vehicle Traffic (French only)

By-law 370-2003

Urbanism plan

By-law 641-2022


By-law 642-2022

Borrowing By-laws in Effect


The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00