Regulation & Permits

Citizens are responsible to find out if any a project they wish to undertake is in line with the current regulation and if they require a permit.

To request a permit or a certificate, declare work or cut trees, please print and complete the form corresponding to your request and return it to the Municipal office or by e-mail to the Town Planning Department with the required documents.

All municipal by-laws, are in the Regulation & Policies section, listed in alphabetical order by subject. The link to our Forms is located in the horizontal menu at the top of the page.

Here’s a quick link to the Zoning Map, as part of the Zoning by-law, located in the above mentioned section in its integral version.

You can now consult the list of permits issued by the Planning and Environment Department by clicking here.


Human Ressources


Jennifer Durand

450 226-3232, poste 108

Dave Williams Roy

450 226-3232, poste 114

Mattea Doyon


Martine Major

Technicienne en documentation
450 226-3232, poste 115

Michael Duhaime

450 226-3232, poste 112

Jessica-Sara Leblanc

Adjointe administrative
450 226-3232, poste 115
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