Financial assistance in the event of a flood or other disaster

Procedure for opening claims for financial assistance

Citizens who have suffered damage should first contact their insurer. If the loss is eligible for financial assistance (soil movement, erosion, overflow of watercourses) and has affected your primary residence, an application can be opened online or by telephone.

- Online:

  • Owners and tenants of a principal residence are invited to open their application for financial assistance online to facilitate rapid processing of their claim.

- By telephone

  • 418 643-2433 (Quebec),
  • 1 888 643-2433 (elsewhere in Quebec)

The links below will inform you and facilitate the opening of claims. We suggest you consult them before starting your claim.


Document list


Financial assistance (French only)

Document PDF de 80.2 kb

The Town Hall is opened from
Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 12:00 and from
12:45 to 16:30, and Friday
from 8:30 to 12:00